Reigniting intimacy in a marriage

Reigniting intimacy in a marriage
Reigniting intimacy in a marriage

Reigniting intimacy in a marriage where one partner has lost interest can be challenging, but it’s not insurmountable. Here are some strategies to help entice your husband and rekindle your intimate relationship:

Communication and Understanding:

  1. Open Dialogue:
    • Discuss Feelings and Needs: Start by having an open and non-judgmental conversation about how you’re feeling. Express your desire for more intimacy and ask about his feelings and any concerns he might have.
    • Active Listening: Ensure that both of you listen actively without interrupting. This can help uncover underlying issues, such as stress, health problems, or emotional disconnect, that may be affecting his interest in intimacy .
  2. Emotional Connection:
    • Strengthen Emotional Bonds: Emotional intimacy often leads to physical intimacy. Spend quality time together doing activities you both enjoy to rebuild your emotional connection. This could include date nights, shared hobbies, or even simple, meaningful conversations .

Addressing Physical and Psychological Factors:

  1. Health and Wellness:
    • Check for Health Issues: Sometimes a lack of interest in intimacy can be linked to health problems such as low testosterone, depression, or medication side effects. Encourage your husband to visit a healthcare professional for a check-up if health issues might be a factor .
    • Promote Healthy Living: Encourage a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. These can boost energy levels, improve mood, and increase overall well-being, which are all beneficial for sexual health .
  2. Manage Stress and Mental Health:
    • Identify Stressors: Work together to identify and address sources of stress in his life, whether they are related to work, finances, or personal issues. Reducing stress can significantly improve one’s interest in intimacy .
    • Seek Professional Help: If emotional or psychological issues are significant barriers, consider seeking help from a therapist or counselor. Couples therapy can be particularly effective in dealing with intimacy issues .

Enhancing Sexual Intimacy:

  1. Increase Physical Touch:
    • Non-Sexual Affection: Start with non-sexual physical touch like hugging, holding hands, and cuddling. This can help rebuild a sense of closeness and comfort, making it easier to transition to more intimate forms of touch .
    • Slow and Gentle Approach: If there’s a discomfort with immediate sexual contact, take a gradual approach. Focus on sensual touch and massages to build a sense of connection and pleasure without pressure .
  2. Explore New Things Together:
    • Experiment with Novelty: Sometimes routine can diminish excitement. Try new things together, whether it’s new activities in your daily life or exploring new aspects of your sexual relationship. This could include trying new positions, role-playing, or using intimacy-enhancing tools like romantic games .
    • Create a Romantic Environment: Set the mood with candles, music, or a romantic dinner. Creating a special, inviting atmosphere can make intimacy feel more appealing and less routine .
  3. Educate and Learn Together:
    • Read or Watch Together: Consider reading books or watching educational videos on intimacy and relationships. This can provide new ideas and also help you both feel more comfortable discussing and trying new things .
    • Communicate Preferences: Talk openly about what you both enjoy and what you would like to explore more of. This can lead to a deeper understanding and a more fulfilling intimate relationship .

Personal Care and Confidence:

  1. Self-Care and Confidence:
    • Take Care of Yourself: Sometimes focusing on your own well-being and confidence can positively affect your relationship. Engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself, whether it’s physical exercise, grooming, or hobbies .
    • Show Appreciation: Expressing appreciation for your husband and complimenting him can boost his self-esteem and make him feel more valued and loved, which can translate into a greater interest in intimacy .

Practical Tips:

  1. Patience and Understanding:
    • Be Patient: Rebuilding intimacy can take time. Be patient and understanding as you both navigate through this process. Avoid putting pressure on your husband or the relationship, as this can create additional stress and resistance .
    • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate small steps towards increased intimacy. This can be encouraging and help build momentum towards a more connected and satisfying relationship .
  2. Professional Help and Resources:
    • Consult Experts: If the issue persists, consulting a sex therapist or relationship counselor can provide targeted strategies and support to improve your intimacy. They can offer a safe space to explore underlying issues and work through them constructively .


  • Books:
    • “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman: This book can help you understand how to communicate and express love in ways that are most meaningful to your partner.
    • “Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski: A highly recommended read for understanding sexual desire and how it can be nurtured in relationships.
  • Online Resources:

By addressing the emotional, physical, and psychological aspects of intimacy and maintaining open communication, you can work together to reignite the spark in your relationship.

The Power of Mutual Benefit: Exploring the Dynamics of a Loving Physical Relationship Between a Man and a Woman

Loving Physical Relationship

In the realm of human connection, the dynamics of a loving physical relationship between a man and a woman are multifaceted and profoundly influential. Such a bond extends beyond mere physical intimacy; it encompasses emotional, mental, and even physiological aspects that contribute to the holistic well-being of both individuals involved. When nurtured with care, respect, and affection, a loving physical relationship can wield transformative power, fostering mutual growth, understanding, and happiness for both partners.

At its core, a loving physical relationship is founded upon trust and intimacy. It serves as a conduit for expressing emotions that words often fail to convey. Physical touch, whether through hugs, kisses, or more intimate gestures, fosters a sense of security and belonging, reinforcing the emotional bond between partners. This physical closeness releases oxytocin, the “love hormone,” which promotes feelings of attachment and reduces stress levels for both individuals.

Beyond the biological aspects, a fulfilling physical relationship acts as a catalyst for emotional connection. Intimacy allows partners to open up, fostering vulnerability and deepening the understanding of each other’s desires, fears, and needs. The act of physical closeness, when coupled with emotional intimacy, nurtures a safe space where both individuals can freely express themselves without fear of judgment, creating a profound sense of connection and acceptance.

Moreover, a loving physical relationship can significantly impact mental well-being. Physical intimacy releases endorphins, enhancing mood and reducing anxiety and depression. The act of shared physical affection and closeness provides a sense of comfort and solace, acting as a support system during challenging times. The emotional security derived from a healthy physical relationship can fortify mental resilience, empowering individuals to navigate life’s complexities with greater ease.

In addition to the emotional and mental facets, a mutually loving physical relationship contributes to physiological health. Studies have indicated that regular physical intimacy correlates with various health benefits, including improved immune function, reduced blood pressure, and even a decreased risk of heart disease. The release of hormones during intimate moments contributes to overall physical well-being, highlighting the intricate connection between the body and emotional intimacy.

Furthermore, a loving physical relationship between a man and a woman serves as a platform for personal growth and exploration. Through mutual respect and understanding, partners can explore their desires, boundaries, and fantasies in a safe and consensual environment. This exploration not only strengthens the bond between individuals but also encourages personal development, fostering a sense of self-awareness and confidence.

Communication plays a pivotal role in nurturing a mutually beneficial physical relationship. Open and honest discussions about preferences, boundaries, and concerns create a foundation of trust and respect. Mutual understanding and consent are crucial components that ensure both partners feel valued and secure in the relationship, fostering a harmonious and fulfilling connection.

However, it’s imperative to recognize that a loving physical relationship requires ongoing effort, commitment, and mutual investment from both individuals. It is not solely about the physical aspect but about the emotional and psychological connection that enriches the partnership. Both partners must actively cultivate empathy, understanding, and a willingness to prioritize each other’s needs and desires.

In conclusion, a loving physical relationship between a man and a woman transcends mere physicality; it encompasses emotional depth, mental fortitude, and physiological benefits. When approached with care, respect, and open communication, such a relationship becomes a powerful force that nurtures mutual growth, emotional fulfillment, and overall well-being for both partners involved. Ultimately, it stands as a testament to the profound beauty and transformative potential of human connection.

Check how we can help enhance your loving physical relationship

Benefits of cock rings

What are penis rings?

Benefits of a cock ring

Penis rings are a sexual device – they are designed to be worn during sexual intercourse to increase pleasure and delay orgasm. However, benefits of cock rings also include treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE).

They have different names too such as cock rings, constriction rings/bands, and tension rings. There are other devices such as testicle rings which have similar outcomes but work slightly differently.

Penis rings are a multiple-purpose sexual device – they are used as sex toys, but there are other benefits of cock rings too. For example, they can help to improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) with a major advantage being that they can be used with other ED treatments.

How do they work? – a penis ring fits on the base of the penis or both the penis and testicles where it applies pressure to the area surrounding them. The pressure it applies causes blood to be squeezed from the blood vessels which carry blood from the penis slower than normal. ED can cause blood to escape from the penis making it difficult to maintain an erection.

Can cock rings improve erectile dysfunction?

Potentially – although there are no scientific studies which state that benefits of cock rings include improving erections for everyone, there are studies which have shown them to be effective in some individuals. Erectile dysfunction means there isn’t enough blood in the penis to maintain an erection. Therefore, the use of a penis ring helps to keep blood in the penis, making an erection last longer. The main benefit of using a penis ring is that it can be used alongside other ED treatments such as:

  • Sildenafil
  • Viagra
  • Viagra Connect
  • Cialis

There are different types of penis ring but 2 have been shown to be more effective for ED:

  • Penis ring – also used alongside medication
  • Penoscrotal ring – used alongside tadalafil or vardenafil

If a penis ring doesn’t work for you there are other alternatives, such as:



  • Stress and anxiety can cause ED
  • Life-changing issues or everyday stresses can be a factor
  • Talking with a counsellor can help with underlying causes


  • Vacuum devices and pumps can improve the firmness of the penis
  • They encourage blood flow to the penis
  • Effective in 80% of cases
  • Surgical implants – once inserted the pump must be used every time to get an erection

Can cock rings make you last longer?

It’s hard to say for sure – premature ejaculation (PE) is the most common sexual problem affecting males. Vacuum devices have been shown to be effective in some men to treat erectile dysfunction and a study was carried out to see if a constriction ring could relieve premature ejaculation. Although its widely believed that benefits of cock rings include helping men to last longer, the study showed that constriction rings were not effective in relieving premature ejaculation as there was no significant change in intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT).

You could try a penis ring if you have PE – the individual effects of penis rings for the condition are unknown. If you try a penis ring and it doesn’t work there are other things you could try, including:

Behavioural strategies:

  • Stop-start programme
  • Squeeze technique
  • Masturbation before sex can help


  • Psychosexual counselling
  • Learn to control ejaculation
  • Help to resolve performance anxiety and self-esteem issues
  • Most effective when used in combination with pharmacotherapy


  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Priligy
  • Ejaculation delay can start 1-2 days after taking bur usually within 2 weeks

Topical anaesthetic agents:

  • Emla
  • Applied 20-30 minutes before sex
  • Has been shown to improve IELT
  • Has no significant side effects

How do I use a cock rings?

There are different types of penis ring available:

  • Penis ring – fits on the base of the penis
  • Penoscrotal ring – fits around the base of the penis and testicles
  • Testicle ring – fits around the testicles

The real difference between these rings is where they are fitted with the benefits of each being largely the same. Below is a guide to how to ft each of the above rings.

Penis ring:

  • Before fitting the penis ring you must make sure you have an erection
  • The ring should then be slid over the head of the penis
  • Roll the penis ring down the shaft of the penis to the base
  • It should rest where your penis meets your crotch

Penoscrotal ring:

  • Before fitting your penis should be flaccid – you do not need an erection first
  • Place your testicles in the ring one by one
  • Next place your penis in the ring by folding it back towards it
  • Put the head of your penis through first and then pull the shaft through
  • The ring should rest at the base of your penis and scrotum

Testicle ring:

  • If this is the first time you have used a testicle ring then use a lightweight ring
  • Place your testicles in the ring one by one
  • Rather than sitting at the base of your scrotum, this ring will hang on the top of the testicles

For all types of rings, there are some general points to consider when wearing one, including:

  • There should be no gap between your body and the ring
  • It should feel comfortable to wear – consider re-adjusting if it feels to tight
  • The ring should stay in place even without an erection
  • If you are using a ring for the first time, try it with masturbation first before sex to get used to how it feels etc
  • You may want to consider shaving your pubic hair before using a ring to ensure they don’t get caught and cause any unnecessary pain
  • Having a hot shower or bath before sex can help to increase blood flow

You can use a condom with a penis ring – a condom is the only form of contraception which protects against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, you will need to put a condom on after a penoscrotal ring because the ring needs to be on when your penis is flaccid and a condom needs to be put on when erect.

Are there any side effects or risks?

The biggest risk associated with using a penis ring is causing permanent damage to the penis – when wearing a penis ring you should remove it if you feel:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Pins and needles

You shouldn’t wear a penis ring for longer than 30 minutes at a time – you should also make sure the ring is well fitted but if at any time it becomes difficult to remove you should go straight to A and E to seek medical attention.

If it takes a long time to remove the penis ring, then you are at risk of gangrene. A condition where the blood supply is cut off and the tissue which makes up the penis are starved of oxygen and dies off. See more

Peineili Delay Spray: Users and Benefits


Peineili delay spray is a topical solution that is designed to help men who suffer from premature ejaculation. This product is made from natural ingredients and has been clinically tested to ensure its safety and effectiveness. In this article, we will explore what this delay spray is, how it works, its benefits and drawbacks, and how to use it.

What is Peineili delay spray?

It is a topical solution that is applied to the penis to help men who suffer from premature ejaculation. It is made from natural ingredients such as water, Glycerin, Radix Scutellariae, Cortex Phellodendri, and Fructus Cnidii, which work together to numb the penis slightly and delay ejaculation. This product has been clinically tested and has been shown to be effective in delaying ejaculation and improving sexual performance.

How does Peineili delay spray work?

It works by numbing the penis slightly, which helps to delay ejaculation. The active ingredients in this product work to reduce the sensitivity of the penis, allowing men to last longer during sexual intercourse. This product is designed to be applied directly to the penis, and it works quickly to provide results.

What are the benefits of Peineili delay spray?

There are several benefits to using this delay spray. One of the main benefits is that it can help to improve sexual performance and satisfaction. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation often feel frustrated and embarrassed during sexual intercourse, and this product can help to alleviate those feelings by allowing them to last longer in bed.

Another benefit of using Peineili is that it is made from natural ingredients, which makes it a safe and effective solution for men who suffer from premature ejaculation. This product has been clinically tested, and it has been shown to be both safe and effective.

What are the drawbacks of Peineili delay spray?

One of the main drawbacks of this delay spray and most of delays sprays, is that it can cause some temporary numbness of the penis. While this numbness is necessary to delay ejaculation, it can also affect sexual sensation, which some men may find to be a disadvantage. Additionally, this product may not be suitable for men who have sensitive skin or who are allergic to any of the ingredients in the spray.

How do you use Peineili delay spray?

Using Peineili delay spray is straightforward. Simply shake the bottle well before use and spray 3-4 times directly onto the head and shaft of the penis. Wait for 5-10 minutes for the spray to take effect, and then you are ready for sexual intercourse. It is essential to read the instructions carefully and follow them precisely to ensure that you get the best results from the product.

In conclusion, Peineili delay spray is a safe and effective solution for men who suffer from premature ejaculation. This product is made from natural ingredients and has been clinically tested to ensure its safety and effectiveness. While there are some drawbacks to using this product, the benefits far outweigh them, and many men have found that it has helped them to improve their sexual performance and satisfaction. If you suffer from premature ejaculation, Peineili delay spray may be an excellent solution for you.

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Understanding Vaginismus

Understanding Vaginismus

Understanding Vaginismus could be a life changing aspect for people affected by this condition and their partners. Vaginismus is a condition that affect females, causing involuntary muscle contractions in the pelvic floor muscles. These contractions specifically occur around the opening of the vagina, making it painful, difficult, or even impossible to engage in vaginal penetration. Vaginismus can have a significant impact on a person’s sexual and emotional well-being, and it is important to understand this condition and explore the available treatment options.

Understanding Vaginismus causes can be complex and vary from person to person. Psychological factors often play a significant role. Past traumatic experiences such as sexual abuse, negative sexual encounters, or cultural and religious beliefs that associate sex with guilt or shame can contribute to the development of vaginismus. Fear, anxiety, and stress related to sex or vaginal penetration can trigger the involuntary muscle contractions characteristic of the condition.

In understanding Vaginismus, relationship issues can also be contributing factors. Difficulties in a relationship, lack of trust, communication problems, or unresolved conflicts can create anxiety or tension around sex, leading to vaginismus. Additionally, physical factors can contribute to the condition. Some medical conditions, such as infections, endometriosis, or urinary tract infections, can cause pelvic pain and contribute to the development of vaginismus. Certain gynecological procedures or surgeries may also trigger the condition. Cultural and societal factors, including societal pressures, cultural beliefs, or inadequate sex education, can influence a person’s perception of sex and cause anxiety, further contributing to vaginismus.

Fortunately, there are effective treatment options available for vaginismus. It is important to note that treatment may require patience, time, and a multidimensional approach. Education and counseling are essential first steps in addressing vaginismus. Understanding the condition, its causes, and its effects can help individuals make sense of their experiences. Seeking counseling or sex therapy can provide a safe space to discuss fears, anxieties, and negative beliefs related to sex. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) may be utilized to reframe negative thoughts and develop coping strategies.

Pelvic floor physical therapy can be immensely beneficial in treating vaginismus. Working with a qualified pelvic floor physical therapist can provide guidance and support. They can teach relaxation techniques, guide individuals through exercises to strengthen and control the pelvic floor muscles, and help desensitize the area. This therapy aims to reduce muscle tension and increase control over the pelvic floor muscles, alleviating the symptoms of vaginismus.

Gradual desensitization is another treatment approach for vaginismus. This technique involves a step-by-step process of gradually increasing exposure to vaginal penetration. Starting with small, non-threatening objects or finger insertion, individuals can learn to relax the pelvic floor muscles and reduce pain or discomfort. Over time, they can progress to larger objects or sexual intercourse as comfort and relaxation improve. This gradual approach allows individuals to set their own pace and regain control over their bodies.

Vaginal dilators are often used as part of the gradual desensitization process. Vaginal dilators are smooth, cylindrical devices of increasing sizes that can be inserted into the vagina to stretch and relax the muscles. Dilators are used progressively, starting with the smallest size and gradually moving to larger ones as the individual becomes more comfortable. Using dilators allows for self-paced desensitization and promotes muscle relaxation.

In some cases, healthcare professionals may prescribe medication to manage pain, anxiety, or muscle spasms associated with vaginismus. Muscle relaxants, pain relievers, or anti-anxiety medications can be used as adjunctive treatments to help individuals overcome the physical and emotional challenges of vaginismus. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate medication and dosage based on individual needs.

In conclusion, vaginismus is a condition that can have a significant impact on a person’s life, affecting their sexual and emotional well-being. Understanding the causes and seeking appropriate treatment is crucial. Education, counseling, pelvic floor physical therapy, gradual desensitization, and the use of vaginal dilators and medication are some of the treatment options available. With the right support and treatment, individuals with vaginismus can find relief, regain control, and experience a fulfilling and enjoyable sex life.

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Benefits of sex toys

Benefits of sex toys

Sex toys have been around for centuries, but it’s only in recent times that they have gained more mainstream acceptance. While some people still view sex toys as taboo or something that’s only used by individuals who are unable to find a partner, the reality is that sex toys can have a lot of benefits for people of all sexual orientations and relationship statuses.

  1. Enhance Physical Pleasure

One of the most obvious benefits of sex toys is that they can enhance physical pleasure. Sex toys are designed to stimulate erogenous zones, and they can provide sensations that may be difficult to achieve with just the human body alone. For example, vibrators can provide intense clitoral stimulation that can lead to more intense and prolonged orgasms. Dildos can provide a sensation of fullness and can be used for vaginal or anal penetration. And there are many other types of sex toys that can provide unique sensations and stimulation.

  1. Improve Communication and Intimacy

Using sex toys with a partner can also improve communication and intimacy. When couples use sex toys together, they are more likely to communicate openly about their sexual desires and preferences. This can lead to greater intimacy and trust in the relationship. For example, a couple might use a vibrator during sex, and one partner might communicate that they prefer a certain speed or intensity. This kind of communication can lead to a better sexual experience for both partners, and it can also improve the overall quality of the relationship.

  1. Add Variety and Novelty

Another benefit of sex toys is that they can add variety and novelty to a sexual relationship. Over time, sexual routines can become predictable and less exciting. Sex toys can be a way to shake things up and make sex more fun and adventurous. For example, a couple might use a blindfold or handcuffs during sex to add a sense of excitement and anticipation. Or they might use a dildo or vibrator to experiment with new types of stimulation.

  1. Address Sexual Issues

Sex toys can also be helpful for addressing common sexual issues. For example, many women have difficulty achieving orgasm during penetrative sex, but using a vibrator can provide the clitoral stimulation needed to achieve orgasm. For men who have difficulty maintaining an erection, a cock ring can help by constricting blood flow and prolonging erections. There are also many other types of sex toys that can help with sexual issues, and many sex therapists recommend sex toys as a way to explore new ways of experiencing pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

  1. Facilitate Long-Distance Intimacy

For couples who are physically separated, sex toys can be a way to maintain intimacy and connection. There are many remote-controlled sex toys available that can be controlled from anywhere in the world. For example, a couple might use a remote-controlled vibrator or a sex toy that can be controlled via a smartphone app. This kind of technology can help couples feel closer, even when they are miles apart.

  1. Experiment with Sexual Identity and Orientation

Sex toys can also be helpful for people who are exploring their sexual identity and orientation. For example, a woman who is curious about anal stimulation might use a butt plug to experiment with that type of pleasure. A man who is curious about prostate stimulation might use a prostate massager to explore that type of pleasure. And there are many other types of sex toys that can be used for exploring different types of pleasure and sexual identity.

  1. Provide Safe Sex

Finally, sex toys can provide a way to have safe sex. Using sex toys can eliminate the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that can come with sexual contact. This can be especially important for people who have multiple sexual partners or who engage in high-risk sexual behavior.

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Premature Ejaculation explained

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a common sexual dysfunction that affects many men worldwide. It is characterized by the inability to control ejaculation during sexual activity, leading to a shorter duration of sexual intercourse and sexual dissatisfaction. Premature ejaculation can have a significant impact on a man’s quality of life, leading to relationship problems, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Fortunately, there are several treatments available to help men overcome PE. In this article, we will discuss the causes of premature ejaculation, the impact it can have on men, and the treatments available.

What is PE?

PE is defined as the inability to control ejaculation during sexual activity, leading to ejaculation that occurs too quickly. It is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions in men, affecting up to 30% of men worldwide. PE can be classified as either lifelong or acquired. Lifelong PE is when a man has always had difficulty controlling his ejaculation, while acquired PE is when a man develops the condition later in life.

Causes of PE

The exact cause of PE is not well understood. However, several factors have been identified that may contribute to the development of the condition. These include:

  1. Psychological Factors – Psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, and depression can contribute to premature ejaculation. These factors can lead to performance anxiety, making it difficult for men to control their ejaculation during sexual activity.
  2. Biological Factors – Biological factors such as hormonal imbalances, abnormal reflex activity of the ejaculatory system, and genetic predisposition may contribute to premature ejaculation.
  3. Relationship Issues – Relationship problems such as poor communication, unresolved conflicts, and a lack of emotional intimacy can lead to premature ejaculation.
  4. Medical Conditions – Certain medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and prostate problems may contribute to premature ejaculation.

Impact of PE on Men

PE can have a significant impact on a man’s quality of life. Men who suffer from premature ejaculation often experience feelings of shame, embarrassment, and low self-esteem. The condition can lead to relationship problems, making it difficult for men to maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships. Premature ejaculation can also lead to sexual dissatisfaction for both partners, leading to a decrease in sexual intimacy and overall relationship satisfaction.

Treatments for PE

Fortunately, there are several treatments available to help men overcome PE. Here are some of the most effective treatments:

  1. Behavioral Techniques – Behavioral techniques such as the squeeze technique and the start-stop technique are effective in helping men control their ejaculation during sexual activity. These techniques involve training the body to recognize the signs of impending ejaculation and using specific techniques to delay ejaculation.
  2. Medications – Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are effective in treating premature ejaculation. These medications work by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain, which helps to delay ejaculation.
  3. Male Delay Sprays – Male delay sprays are topical solutions that are applied to the penis to help reduce sensitivity, allowing men to last longer during sex. The spray contains a numbing agent that helps to reduce sensitivity in the penis, allowing men to last longer during sex.
  4. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy – Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of talk therapy that is effective in treating premature ejaculation. CBT helps men to identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that may be contributing to their premature ejaculation.
  5. Herbal Remedies – Several herbal remedies such as ginseng, saffron, and Tribulus terrestris have been shown to be effective in treating premature ejaculation. These remedies work by increasing testosterone levels and improving sexual function.


PE is a common sexual dysfunction that affects many men worldwide. The condition can be controlled and treated.

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Spice up your love life with our wide range of intimate products sold online, including ladies lingerie, nightdresses, panties, men’s underwear, gay thongs, body shapers, condoms, sexual wellness products and adult sex toys in

Spice up your love life

Welcome to, your one-stop-shop for all your intimate needs. We are an online store, having operations in Sri Lanka since 2014 that specializes in providing ladies lingerie, nightdresses, panties, bra and panty sets, men’s underwear, gay thongs, body shapers, condoms, sexual wellness products and adult sex toys. Our mission is to spice up your love life by providing our customers with high-quality products that enhance their intimate experiences. In this article, we will discuss the importance of intimate products and why you should choose for all your intimate needs.

Why Intimate Products Are Important?

Intimate products are essential for a healthy and satisfying intimate life. Whether you are single or in a relationship, intimate products can help you explore your body and enhance your pleasure. Intimate products such as adult sex toys and sexual wellness products can help you discover new erogenous zones and intensify your orgasms. Additionally, intimate products can help you and your partner explore each other’s bodies, improving communication and intimacy. Read more

Why Choose for Your Intimate Products?

At, we understand the importance of providing high-quality intimate products that meet the needs of our customers. We offer a wide range of products, including ladies lingerie, nightdresses, panties, bra and panty sets, gents underwear, gay thongs, body shapers, condoms, sexual wellness products, and adult sex toys. Our products are made from high-quality materials that are safe and comfortable to use.

We believe that our customers deserve the best shopping experience, which is why we offer a user-friendly website that is easy to navigate. Our website is designed to provide our customers with a seamless shopping experience, from browsing our products to checking out. We also offer a variety of payment options, including credit cards and online banking, to ensure that our customers can shop with ease.

Our products are competitively priced, and we offer regular discounts and promotions to help our customers save money. We also offer discreet packaging and shipping to ensure that our customers’ privacy is respected.

 Are you looking to add some excitement to your love life? Look no further than our online store –, where we offer a wide range of lingerie, underwear, and adult toys for both men and women. At, we understand that everyone has different tastes and preferences when it comes to intimate products. That’s why we have a diverse selection of products to choose from, including ladies nightdresses, lingerie, panties, men’s underwear, gay thongs, body shapers, condoms, sexual wellness products and adult sex toys.

Spice up your love life with our ladies lingerie

Our selection of ladies lingerie is sure to make you feel sexy and confident. Whether you’re looking for a lacy bralette, a seductive teddy, or a silky nightgown, we have something for everyone. Our lingerie comes in a range of sizes, colors, and styles, so you can find the perfect fit for your body type and personal taste.

We offer a wide range of ladies lingerie including bras, panties, corsets, babydolls, chemises and more. Our lingerie is made from high-quality materials and is available in a variety of styles and sizes to suit all body types. When choosing lingerie, it is important to consider your body type, size and the occasion. For example, if you are looking for lingerie for a special occasion, you may want to consider a corset or babydoll. If you are looking for everyday wear, a comfortable bra and panty set may be more suitable.

Spice up your love life with our ladies nightdresses

Our selection of ladies nightdresses is sure to make you feel sexy and confident. Whether you’re looking for a lacy bralette, a seductive teddy, a sexy honeymoon dress or a silky nightgown, we have something for everyone. Our lingerie comes in a range of sizes, colors, and styles, so you can find the perfect fit for your body type and personal taste.

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Spice up your love life with our panties

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We offer a wide range of panties including thongs, briefs, hipsters and more. When choosing panties, it is important to consider the fabric, style and size. Thongs are perfect for those who want a seamless look, while briefs are ideal for those who want more coverage. Hipsters are a popular choice for everyday wear as they provide both coverage and comfort. If you are looking for something sexy and provocative, a lacy thong or G-string might be more your style.

Spice up your love life men’s underwear

We haven’t forgotten about the men! Our selection of men’s underwear includes boxer briefs, trunks, and briefs in a variety of colors and patterns. For those who like to show a little more skin, we also offer a range of gay thongs that are both comfortable and sexy.

Our range of men’s underwear includes briefs, boxers, trunks and more. When choosing gents underwear, it is important to consider the fabric, style and size. Briefs are perfect for those who want a snug fit, while boxers provide more coverage and are ideal for those who prefer a looser fit. Trunks are a popular choice for everyday wear as they provide both coverage and comfort.

Spice up your love life with our gay thongs

Gay thongs are a popular choice among men who are looking for something sexy and provocative. offers a variety of styles to choose from, including lacy thongs and provocative G-strings. When choosing gay thongs, consider the material, as well as the cut and design. If you prefer something minimalist and revealing, a tiny G-string might be a good choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for something more substantial, a lacy thong might be more your style.

Spice up your love life with our body shapers

If you’re looking to enhance your curves or smooth out any problem areas, we have a selection of body shapers to help you achieve the look you want. Our shapewear includes cleavage enhancers, waist trainers, bodysuits, and thigh shapers that can help you achieve a more streamlined silhouette.

Our range of body shapers includes bodysuits, waist cinchers, and tummy control panties. Body shapers are designed to provide support and slimming to enhance your curves. When choosing a body shaper, it is important to consider the level of compression, style and size. Bodysuits provide full-body support, while waist cinchers are perfect for targeting the waist area. Tummy control panties are ideal for those who want a slimming effect without the need for a full body shaper.

Spice up your love life with our condoms

Condoms are an essential part of safe and responsible sexual activity. offers a variety of condoms to choose from, including latex, non-latex, and flavored options. When choosing condoms, it is important to consider factors such as size, material, and lubrication. If you or your partner have a latex allergy, non-latex condoms may be the better choice. If you prefer a more natural feel, ultra-thin condoms may be the way to go. Whatever your preference, has a wide variety of options to choose from.

Our condom range includes following popular condom brands and varieties. Rough rider, Skyn, Stamina, Sathuta, Durex extra safe, Durex fetherlite, Durex performa, Moods gold cool, Moods allnight, Moods ultrathin, Moods dotted, Moods banana, Moods chocolate, Moods strawberry, Moods ribbed, Casanova delay condoms, Romantic aroma condoms, Maximum super lubricated condoms, Lifestyle sensitive, Lifestyle mixed berry, Lifestyle experience and lifestyle epic condoms.

Spice up your love life with our sexual wellness products

In addition to lingerie, nightdresses, and underwear, also offers a range of sexual wellness products. Sexual wellness products are designed to enhance your sexual experiences and improve your overall sexual health. Our sexual wellness product range includes sexual lubricants, delay spray, female orgasm and libido enhances and performance enhancers for men.

Following are some of the brands and products we have in the sexual wellness product range. Peineili delay spray, Easy glide lubricating jelly, Easy glide delay gel, Cupid lubricant, Luview breast enhancing and toning cream, Josh M capsules for men, Josh F capsules for women, Rivergin vaginal tightening gel, Josh M oil for men and Luview breast enhancing and toning capsules

Spice up your love life with our adult sex toys

Last but not least, we offer a wide range of adult sex toys for both men and women. Whether you’re looking for a vibrator, rabbit vibrator, a dildo, a butt plug, an anal bead, a nipple and clitoral sucker, a male chastity device, BDSM kits or a cock ring, we have a variety of options to choose from. Our toys are made from high-quality materials and are designed to provide maximum pleasure and satisfaction.

Why Shop with Us?

  1. Discreet Shipping: We understand that privacy is important when it comes to intimate products. That’s why we offer discreet shipping on all orders, so you can shop with confidence.
  2. High-Quality Products: We only sell products that meet our high standards for quality and durability. You can trust that any product you purchase from us will be of the highest quality.
  3. Secure Transactions: We use advanced encryption and security measures to ensure that your transactions are safe and secure.
  4. Fast and Reliable Shipping: We offer fast and reliable shipping to all parts of Sri Lanka, so you can get your products delivered quickly and efficiently.
  5. Excellent Customer Service: Our customer service team is always available to answer any questions you may have and to help you with your purchase.


At, we offer a wide range of products to help you spice up your love life. Whether you’re looking for ladies nightdresses, lingerie, panties, men’s underwear, gay thongs, body shapers, or adult sex toys, we have something for everyone. Shop with us today and discover the world of intimate products that can take your love life to the next level.